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Oct - Wyeth W. Wasserman

Speaker: Wyeth W. Wasserman

Title of talk: Detection and analysis of transcriptional control sequences in the human genome.

Event Details


October 10, 2002

Affiliation: Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics



Presentation: Download

Talk Summary:

Wyeth’s lab identifies and analyzes regulatory sequences

in the human genome which control transcription. Using a combination of

statistical modeling and cross-species comparisons (“phylogenetic

footprinting”), significant advances have been made in the last year.

Building upon this foundation, the group is now exploring the structural

properties of regulatory regions with the ultimate goal to achieve a

dynamic model of chromatin and transcriptional regulation. As an initial

structure-influenced project, the group has investigated the constraints

imposed upon regulatory site diversity by the small set of protein

structures suitable for sequence-specific binding. Incorporation of this

information into pattern discovery software has proven valuable. Because

advances now allow meaningful prediction of regulatory regions in the

human genome, the group is starting to investigate the genetic

properties of regulatory sites and their influence upon disease-related


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